
Category Archives for "Composting Advice"

How to Start a Compost Tumbler

A good compost tumbler is necessary if you want to harvest nutrient-rich compost in the shortest time possible. A compost tumbler can produce compost in just a few weeks as compared to ordinary compost bins. One of the main factors in speeding up the composting process is aeration. Normally, aeration is done using a pitchfork […]

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How to Use a Compost Tumbler: The Basics

A compost tumbler is a drum that can be turned easily to produce high quality compost. Compost tumblers are often made of durable recycled plastic. The composting materials, like food scraps and garden clippings, are broken down by bacteria and other microorganisms that occur naturally. A good flow of oxygen through the barrel is also […]

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Compost Tumbler vs. Worm Bin: Which is Best?

Composting is a significant process of breaking down your organic garbage into useful fertilizer. This a great way to help the environment by disposing of garbage effectively. Two of the most common composters are compost tumblers and worm bins. Both of these composters involve oxidizing organic wastes into nutrient-rich soil. Both need oxygen to decompose […]

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Urban Composting

Composting is one way of helping the environment by converting garbage into useful fertilizers in the most natural way. You can help restore the environment by enhancing the soil and by promoting the development of plants. It also helps minimize the amounts of garbage delivered to landfill sites. Not only does composting helps eliminate garbage, […]

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Compost Tumbler Ingredients

Creating and maintaining a compost pile is the best way to have a healthy garden. You’ll not only be generating the best fertilizer for your garden, but you will have healthy soil. You will see first-hand how leaves, food scraps, and grass clippings can be converted into nutrient-rich compost infused with earthworms and other soil […]

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What to do with a Compost Tumbler in Winter

The greatest enemy of composting in the winter season is the drops in temperature. This situation is not ideal for the composting process because it delays the breakdown of organic materials due to the lack of heat. Some people let their compost go dormant during the winter, but you don’t stop producing kitchen scraps even if […]

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How to Build a 3 bin Compost System

One of the best ways to cut down on your yard and/or food waste while generating free nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden is to set up an ultimate compost bin. Instead of a single compost bin, you can use a 3-bin compost system for the best results. Not only that it will reduce the waste stream […]

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How to raise Nightcrawlers

Have you ever stopped to think how different your farming activities would be if you raised your own nightcrawlers? You would never have to worry  about thatch or weak plants any more. Even better, you wouldn’t have to buy nightcrawlers as long as you have your compost! If you’ve been wondering how to raise nightcrawlers and […]

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